Sunday, June 28, 2009

Today is my grandpa's 81st birthday! Happy Birthday grandpa:) Last night we all went to Dillon's, one of our favorite barbeque restaurants in Sun City. They had a band playing last night and wow we had a blast laughing at this one lady. There was a drunk older woman, dancing and making screeching sounds. She was really enjoying herself, however after a long while, the manager had to tell her to stop. She ended up leaving. Its just great to see you can have fun at all ages!

After dinner we all went back to their house, for Elle had been playing outside and really tore up her toe. She was in pain and we needed to get it cleaned up. Patrick had brought a couple movies with him, so we watched The Royal Tenenbaums. One of our favorite movies! The grandparents nor my dad had seen the movie, Patrick and I have probably watched it now four to five times this week. I believe they enjoyed the dry humor. Anyways, here is grandpa's birthday photo, enjoy!

Ivan was sleeping, so he is in the photo, just behind us all:)

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