Saturday I let the kids make/decorate cookies. Ivan I think just really likes the icing, he is the type to decorate one, eat one. Elle I don't believe has eaten ONE, she just loves to decorate them. I finally used the cookie press my mom bought me. As kids, she always used hers, and her cookies were so pretty. If you do not have a cookie press, I suggest you buy one! I am going to be using mine more often when baking!
I caught Ivan green handed...
Through my gym, I am in a paleo challenge. So far, so good. I was worried about my sweet tooth, but with paleo desserts, I am happy! I really have not craved sugar as I thought I would. I have had fun finding new recipes and buying different ingredients at the grocery store. Its an adventure and the kids like to help! Saturday night, I made coconut chicken and Ivan could not stop eating it. He is such a picky eater, so this made for ONE HAPPY MOM!
I am very excited...I got lots of yard work completed this weekend. The backyard was a weed jungle. The front yard got mowed, leaf blown and looks fabulous again. I love the way my house looks when the yard it nice and tidy!

One other thing excited me today, I finally got more space in my garage! I had my old HUGE TV in there trying to figure out a way to get rid of it. I had a garage sale weeks ago, put it out front with a FREE sign on it, no takers. Finally this past week I got smart, put an ad on Craigslist and it left its home after many many years. It was actually my dad and stepmoms TV back in the day, it was about 13-14 years old.
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