
Elle is not your typical 4 year old girl.  She has a sophisticated vocabulary and she is very inquisitive when it comes to the human body.  I believe she will be the Dr. in the family.  She has always been curious about human anatomy and how things work and why things in our body are the way they are.  Sometimes she stumps me with her anatomy questions.  I tell her to save that one for her dad! haha.

Elle loves ALL Disney Princesses, Barbies, the color pink and doing her hair.  Someday I will video tape her doing her hair.  She is so precise and particular about how her hair looks.  Its quite amusing.

Lately, Elle has been talking on her play phone a lot with Ariel, her favorite Disney princess EVER!  Glamma(my mom) 'sees' Ariel quite a bit in the ocean in Florida and will send me photos of the water to show Elle. Recently my mom sent Elle some beaded necklaces that had seashells and starfish on them.  Elle said "Ariel must have given these to Glamma to give to me."

Anyway, Elle is now 4 1/2 years old and can't wait for Christmas.  It's her favorite holiday! 

Life with princess is very sporadic and full of joy!

***Check here for an updated photo of princess!***