Art~ when we got home
We added another member to our family last night!!! We have been wanting another pet around the house. Yes, we are crazy animal lovers:) Once you have over two animals, you are considered NUTS! It does not get really that much harder, just one more mouth to feed. Since we have been missing Grayson for over two months now, we needed to bring the animal number back up to five.
Yesterday, Patrick and I had an itch to go to the dog shelter. So, after lunch off we went . We leashed up Woody, since he is our neurotic dog; any animal that gets along with him, will do just fine! We looked around both the dog and cat areas and really liked this dog named Atreyu. We met him, he and Elle really hit it off. Patrick and I had never seen her act like this with any dog. They would chase eachother and he was very gentle with her. She laughed and they just played really well together.
The next step was to bring Woody into the picture. We introduced the dogs and they really got along. Woody is usually the non-stop barker around new dogs; with Atreyu he did not bark long at all. WOW!! We might nave hit the jackpot. We were at the shelter for a couple hours getting to know Atreyu and learning as much as we could about him. We left the shelter very confident that he would make a great fit for our family. The final step was to bring all three dogs to meet Atreyu.
Well, Patrick had to work at 5pm, so we came back home. Patrick and I discussed our feelings and we mutually thought we needed him. Elle, I and the three dogs got back into the car and went back to the shelter. The introduction of all the dogs went really well. We had four different shelter workers handling each of the leashes and making sure it went smooth from the start. Once the dogs were accustomed to eachothers smells the leashes came off. They all ran, played and it was all I needed to make the decision complete.
Here are the dogs photos. Enjoy!

Oh wow! I don't know how you do it.... what kind of dog is he? He is big.... I guess bigger than the other dogs.... good luck!
Yes! U guys r nuts!!! What kind of name is Atreyu? So you call him Art now or is that his nickname for Atreyu...if that's the case, shouldn't be Atre...or Atr! :)
Anne & Chloe
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