This was my first Barbells for Boobs fundraising event. The WOD(workout of the day) was "Amazing Grace" where you have to do 30 Clean and Jerks for time at a prescribed weight. Most have to scale their weights, but I did mine Rx! So, the prescribed weight was 95 pounds. It took me 5 minutes and 22 seconds to complete 30 Clean and Jerks. I was pretty proud of myself! Everyone from our gym(CrossFit BattleFit)as well as Maricopa CrossFit did AWESOME!!! The event was held at our town's Stagecoach days on the basketball court under the lights. It was pretty cool, we had many spectators and others walking by, stopping to see what we were doing. We looked pretty bad-ass throwing weights up in the air! Here is our group photo minus a couple athletes, Enjoy!