I just realized I never shared with you Elles 2 year old photos. I had these done Mothers Day weekend, so we had just had Ivan not to long ago. We decided to have them done at the entrance to our neighborhood. Elle is very comfortable there and I knew she would be herself. Paula got some great shots, enjoy!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Ivan is 3 months old already!! Wow did these months fly by. Literally it seems like yesterday I was giving birth, how sad. Anyways, he is such a bundle of joy, he is the best baby I have had so far, sleeping and eating wise.
Ivan has always been a kicker, okay a mover in general. Wow does he ever like to move now! He loves being on his tummy and the other day I asked Patrick if he moved him. Patrick told me no, I knew I had not laid him in the current position he was in. So I spied on Ivan, every once in a while I would look in his crib and he was moving on his own! Awesome! Ivan loves to play, whether he is in his excersaucer, his bouncer or in his car seat; he is always playing with something.
I can't wait to see his next milestone, hopefully for us it will be a bottle! He still will not take a bottle or a pacifier. I have caught him sucking his thumb, which I really don't want him doing. I would much rather be able to take away a pacifier, kinda hard to take away his thumb! Patrick and I have been working on both the bottle and pacifier with him, he will get it eventually. We are hoping!
My friend Paula took Ivan's 3 month photos and of course I have to share them with you! Enjoy!
Ivan has always been a kicker, okay a mover in general. Wow does he ever like to move now! He loves being on his tummy and the other day I asked Patrick if he moved him. Patrick told me no, I knew I had not laid him in the current position he was in. So I spied on Ivan, every once in a while I would look in his crib and he was moving on his own! Awesome! Ivan loves to play, whether he is in his excersaucer, his bouncer or in his car seat; he is always playing with something.
I can't wait to see his next milestone, hopefully for us it will be a bottle! He still will not take a bottle or a pacifier. I have caught him sucking his thumb, which I really don't want him doing. I would much rather be able to take away a pacifier, kinda hard to take away his thumb! Patrick and I have been working on both the bottle and pacifier with him, he will get it eventually. We are hoping!
My friend Paula took Ivan's 3 month photos and of course I have to share them with you! Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Patricks another year older!
I can't believe we both have big birthdays this year:) Its exciting and fun! Patrick turned 40 and I got him a gag gift, a blowup walker. Its pretty funny, Elle enjoyed playing with it. Patrick had his annual review at work this morning and got a raise!! That was a great bday gift from work. He then went to workout, came home opened his presents from us. The kids and I just got him some clothes, cds and a movie. I invited over my brother, dad, Lee, Bob and Jodi for dinner. Patrick wanted Skyline Chili, originally from Cincinnati, Ohio. You put it over spaghetti or hot dogs, its really good! Dad and Lee order it online, so they had plenty and brought it over. Here are some photos from the day, enjoy!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Ivan turned 3 months today! Wow, what a difference three short months can be. Ivan is my little chunky monkey right now. At his two month visit he weighed a whopping 12.8lbs. He wears 6 mth clothes, which are a little big still, but I am sure not for long! He is such a little talker, baby talk that is. He loves to follow Elle with his eyes and just lights up around her. I think they are going to be great together! She really takes care of him, always concerned when he is crying. She loves to tickle him too. Its really sweet seeing them interact. Here are photos of Ivan at three months. The ones I took, I had my friend Paula Stiller do his three month photos on Sunday. I can't wait to see those, she is so talented. Well, enjoy!

Sunday, July 12, 2009
We got new floors! When we got our newest puppy in February the destruction of the house began. Art completely ruined our carpets. I had been covering the tears with large area rugs. This did not cut it for me, it drove me nuts. Patrick and I were trying to figure out what we wanted, carpet, wood or laminate. We decided carpet just stays gross, no matter how much I steam clean it. Wood can be scratched and is more maintenance. Laminate is very durable, and great for kids and pets. Since we own a zoo, this was definitely the best choice. Here are photos of the work that was done, we could not be happier with the end result! Enjoy!
The damaged carpet~

The new floors!~

The damaged carpet~

The new floors!~

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